Optimizing Laravel's Memory Usage: Strategies to Clear Up Memory Issues

Optimizing Laravel's Memory Usage: Strategies to Clear Up Memory Issues

In Laravel, you can clear the application's cache and free up memory by running a few commands. Here are the steps to clear Laravel's memory:

Clear the cache:

  • Open your command-line interface (CLI) or terminal.

  • Navigate to the root directory of your Laravel project.

  • Run the following command:

  •   php artisan cache:clear

Clear the view cache:

  • Run the following command:

  •   php artisan view:clear

Clear the route cache:

  • Run the following command:

  •   php artisan route:clear

Clear the configuration cache:

  • Run the following command:

  •   php artisan config:clear

Clear the compiled classes cache:

  • Run the following command:

  •   php artisan clear-compiled

Optionally, you can also optimize the application's autoloader:

  • Run the following command:

  •   composer dump-autoload --optimize