Laravel Task Scheduling - Counts rows in Users table and writes a log

Laravel Task Scheduling - Counts rows in Users table and writes a log

Laravel provides a powerful task scheduling feature that allows you to automate the execution of recurring tasks within your application. Task scheduling enables you to define tasks and specify when and how often they should run. This feature is useful for performing various activities, such as sending emails, cleaning up the database, or performing maintenance tasks.

To use Laravel's task scheduling feature, follow these steps:

  1. Define the Task: In your Laravel application, define the tasks you want to schedule. Tasks are defined as methods on a class, typically located in the app/Console/Commands directory or any other directory of your choice. Each task should extend the Illuminate\Console\Command class.

  2. Register the Task: After defining the task, you need to register it in the app/Console/Kernel.php file. This file contains the task scheduler configuration. In the schedule method of the Kernel class, you can specify the tasks and their schedules using a fluent API.

  3. Task Execution: To make the task scheduling work, you need to set up a cron job that executes Laravel's schedule:run command at regular intervals. The schedule:run command checks the defined tasks and runs the ones that are due.

  4. Additional Configuration: Laravel's task scheduling also supports additional configuration options. For example, you can specify the user under which the scheduled tasks should run, define the output and error log locations, and more. Refer to the Laravel documentation for advanced configuration options.

[1] Create command

// App\Console\Commands\CheckUserCountCommand.php

namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

class CheckUserCountCommand extends Command
    protected $signature = 'usercount:check';

    protected $description = 'Check row count for users table';

    public function handle()
        $userCount = DB::table('users')->count();
        Log::info("User count: $userCount");

Code explanation:

  1. Namespace and Class Declaration: The code starts by declaring the namespace and the class for the console command. The command is defined in the App\Console\Commands namespace, and the class is named CheckUserCountCommand.

  2. Signature and Description: The $signature property defines the command signature. In this case, the signature is usercount:check, which means the command can be executed using php artisan usercount:check in the console. The $description property provides a brief description of what the command does.

  3. Handle Method: The handle method contains the logic that will be executed when the command is run. In this case, it retrieves the row count from the users table using the DB facade's table method and the count method. The result is stored in the $userCount variable.

  4. Logging: The Log facade is used to log the user count information. The info method is called with a string containing the user count value interpolated using the $userCount variable. This logs the information to Laravel's default log file.

To use this command, you need to place the code in the appropriate file location, such as app/Console/Commands/CheckUserCountCommand.php. After that, you can execute the command in the console using php artisan usercount:check, and it will log the row count of the users table.

[2] register command

namespace App\Console;

use Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel as ConsoleKernel;

class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
     * Define the application's command schedule.
    protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule): void
        // $schedule->command('inspire')->hourly();

     * Register the commands for the application.
    protected function commands(): void

        require base_path('routes/console.php');

    protected $commands = [


Code explanation:

  1. Namespace and Class Declaration: The code starts by declaring the namespace and class for the Kernel class. The class extends the ConsoleKernel class, which is provided by Laravel.

  2. Schedule Method: The schedule method is used to define the application's command schedule. In the code you provided, the schedule method is empty and commented out. You can uncomment this method and use it to define the schedule for your commands. For example, you can use the $schedule object to schedule commands to run at specific intervals.

  3. Commands Method: The commands method is used to register the commands for the application. In the code you provided, it loads the commands from the app\Console\Commands directory using the load method. It also includes the routes/console.php file.

  4. $commands Property: The $commands property is an array that lists the commands to be registered with the application. In the code you provided, it includes the CheckUserCountCommand command by referencing its fully qualified class name.

To use this code, make sure you have the CheckUserCountCommand class defined in the app\Console\Commands directory. After that, you can uncomment the schedule method and define the schedule for your commands. Finally, you can run the scheduled commands using Laravel's task scheduling feature, such as setting up a cron job.

[3] test

To run the usercount:check command, open your terminal or command prompt, navigate to the root directory of your Laravel application, and execute the following command:

php artisan usercount:check

This will trigger the execution of the handle method in the CheckUserCountCommand class. The command will retrieve the row count from the users table and log the result using Laravel's logging feature.